
Want to know what really scares me? Putting poems anywhere except my journal and maybe into the inboxes of a beloved friend or two.

Want to know what I love to practice? Doing things that scare me.

This is about the things that take us to our knees, and what can happen if we let them instead of fighting that surrender off. If you believe, as I do, that life is conspiring for us, and our souls know so much more than our thinking minds, then these experiences are precious gifts. They are something we called in to do the expansion we are here to do.


I thought you came to save me

But you came to break me

You took all you promised,

Gathered it in a black velvet cloak,

Stole away in the night

When all I wanted was to hold it. And you.

I thought I would shatter past repair,

A favorite cup in pieces,

I fell past the softness of life and breath

Where nothing was left

My heart new to loss like this

On the coldest sliver of the floor

That’s when I met her

The tender queen

The wild goddess

She who is allied with light and dark

Who is free, fierce, all colors,

She who sets the sea on fire

And willingly burns

She said give up the lifeboat

You want the waves

How else will you know, except when you are cradled in the valley of the shadow of death

How loved you are

Did you come to break me

Did you come to save me

They happened

Life does

The tender queen demands it

She knows about the wild horses in my heart

She knows they must run free