Still on Summer Schedule

I am going with the singular flow that is summer—-lots of bliss and unscheduled time and a LOT to do with kids, especially since we landed from one trip (Ojai—see Instagram for photos since I can’t seem to manage them here!), home for a week and a half, then off again for a spell. So many appointments and unpacking and packing and blah blah. So much to write and I’m just letting myself wait to do it til it’s not 9 at night and I’m wiped out (which is right now). The last couple of weeks have held: spectacular nature time, a phenomenal experience in breathwork, juicing up the home VO studio, more meetings about the house renovation that’s getting underway, theatre auditions, doing whatever the kids want, so much stone fruit, and lots of reading. Sky can’t believe that I read if I have 3 spare minutes in the car, but when I love a book that’s exactly what I’ll do. I hope you are outside more than in these days, that night comes and you’re happily exhausted, and that you sleep deeply with the summer cricket sounds (or whatever your favorite summer soundtrack is). More soon!